Deploy Your Own App
Start by checking the GitHub repository or refer to the Editor Guide.
Deploy Your Own App
Start by checking the GitHub repository or refer to the Editor Guide.
Try the Demo
Experience the demo of TutoriaLLM, where you can try several tutorials.
Learn How to Use the App
Learn more about TutoriaLLM and read the User Guide for details on how to use the app.
TutoriaLLM is a self-hosted software that allows you to easily create block programming tutorials like Scratch and provide them using AI.
The project is developed by So Tokumaru, but is supported by many contributors.
Contributions: 752
Contributions: 6
Contributions: 1
You can contact us in the following ways based on your needs.
Report Bugs or Request Features
This app is developed as open-source software. Bug reports and feature requests are accepted via GitHub Issues.
Join the Developer Community
Join the TutoriaLLM developer community and contribute to its development. Whether it’s to discuss the app, development topics, or even unrelated matters, all discussions are welcome.